SVPOA History
The Full Story
History of SVPOA started in the early 60's and had many stepping stones on the way to the thriving sub-division that it is today.
The history starts unfolding with an ownership discussion from the 60's with a letter penned by John Rhine, a participant in the early stages of the association.
History Supporting Article # 1
Early in 1975, after working on the land ownership for 12 years, the president, Russ Martin announced to the members that the quiet title suite through Park County was complete and that SV could start issuing deeds to the members that had put their money and time to get the land title they had spent so many years to get.
History Supporting Article # 2
In 1976, the president, James Kline, made notice to the many persons that had deeds to one or more lots that were 30 X 90 yards in size that chose to not invest in lawyers' fees to clear their ownership. They were offered an opportunity to buy one of the six lots that were available for about $2000 per acre, plus surveys and other closing fees. As expected, these six lots went pretty quick and provided a well needed financial windfall to a new struggling organization.
History Supporting Article # 3
Many squabbles have gone on in the last 40 years, the most important was the land ownership of the Big Hill Road. An agreement states that on paper the owner of Weston Pines lot 10 owns the disputed land, but we have the use of the land just like it's always been. The agreement also states that no one on either side of the fence will ever build any structure of any kind in the disputed area along the fence line. The agreement is a permanent easement and is transferable and binding to all future owners of any of the properties involved. This agreement was signed and filed with park County in June of 2004.
It is now, after 47 years, to thank the Board of Directors and the officers that gave so many hours and money to clean up the ownership, clear title, and the creation of S.V.P.O.A. that we have today. The following shall receive this recognition: Russ (President) & Ann Martin, Murray Swearengin (VP), Robert Handwerk (Treasurer), Lillian Lombard (Secretary), Syd Lesueur Board, Zeta Romero Board, Betty Campbell Board, John Rhine Board. These all are now deceased but some children still have ownership in the sub-division.
The highlights of today are a generator powered community well, and library of books and videos for all members to use. We also own a 1956 Road grader that is used to maintain the community roads in the sub-division through the summer.
This is where we are today with over 65 lots and 55 owners in a locked gate community of 320 acres.
Summarized by Larry O. Baker, President SVPOA, July 2022
History documents - download only.